aag post 0

Tomorrow, two of my fellow UW cartographers and I board a train in Chicago for our 24-hour ride to the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers in Boston. I’ll present a paper, Cartograms for Political Cartography: A Question of Design, on Saturday, but I’m more excited about the visualization and cartography talks throughout the week.

To see what I can look forward to, I worked up a quick tag cloud of the keywords used by presentations marked ‘visualization’ in the AAG Preliminary Program.

3d visualization cartography climate change geographic visualization geovisualization gis giscience interactive map modeling self-organizing maps uncertainty visual analytics visualization

And for my fellow cartophiles, a cloud of the keywords used by presentations marked ‘cartography’.

animation art atlas cartograms cartography cinema computer mapping critical cartography education geographic education geology gis hazards historical cartography historical geography history of cartography map map use mapping maps navigation political cartography political geography propaganda maps remote sensing united states visualization

When I return, I’ll probably follow up this post with one or two more. My angle?- visualization in contemporary academic geography.

BTW, the map above is from Alex Tait & Erik Steiner’s actually quite cool Amtrak Route Atlas. Oh, and the reason our route stops in Albany is because of track repairs — from there we hop on a bus to Boston. Bring it on Amtrak!


  1. I’ve been subscribing to your blog for a few months now and I caught your presentation at AAG just the other day. I had to run afterwards to catch my train so I didn’t get to say hi but I wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed your talk on cartograms. Like you, I am surprised at the results of the non-contiguous cartogram, it seems odd to me how well people reacted to it. I wonder if you could send me a copy of your presentation? bsigrist *at* gmail *dot* com I’ll be continuing to watch this space in the future. Keep up the great work!

    Benjamin Sigrist
    Posted May 31, 2008 at 12:12 pm | Permalink
  2. Search engine result advertising expert Themelis Cuiper had an address to your post. Any idea why? Mobile & social media marketing gods do not recommend something without a reason. :->

    Posted August 19, 2011 at 3:14 am | Permalink
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    Posted August 21, 2011 at 8:58 am | Permalink

One Trackback

  1. By indiemaps.com/blog » how tag clouds work on June 2, 2008 at 11:21 pm

    [...] hours into my 30 hour train trip from Boston South Station to Chicago Union Station, I got the hairbrained idea that tags could be [...]

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