posts tagged 'geometry'


Binning is a general term for grouping a dataset of N values into less than N discrete groups. These groups/bins may be spatial, temporal, or otherwise attribute-based. In this post I’m only talking about spatial (long-lat) and 2-dimensional attribute-based (scatterplot) bins. Such binnings may be thought of as 2D histograms. This [...]

Dymaxion projection in OpenLayers

The great Buckminster Fuller created a series of Dymaxion maps utilizing various forms of his patented Fuller projection in the 1940s and 50s. The most well-known, icosahedral form of the projection (above) was devised in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1954. Fuller intended the projection to better balance shape and areal distortion, while also [...]

Noncontiguous cartograms in OpenLayers and Polymaps

I’m happy to be doing less Flash and more JavaScript development these days. In particular, I’ve been investigating two open-source JavaScript web mapping platforms: one old, OpenLayers, and one new, Polymaps.
OpenLayers has been around a while, but still performs remarkably well as a slippy map framework while allowing easy thematic map customization. Polymaps is [...]