posts tagged 'actionscript 3'

E00Parser, an ActionScript 3 parser for the Arc/Info Export topological GIS format

First off, why mess with such a retro format as Arc/Info Export (.e00)?- any code written for this ASCII file type in the last few years has been on how to go from e00 to pretty much anything (especially to the non-topological data format, the shapefile).
Put simply, topological information makes a lot [...]

noncontiguous area cartograms

notes on noncontiguous cartograms and ActionScript 3 classes for producing them
Fully contiguous cartograms have stretched and distorted borders but perfectly maintained topologies. Like the Gastner-Newman diffusion-based cartograms we see all over the place. Though all sorts of cartogram designs have been produced, those with perfect topology preservation (fully contiguous cartograms) receive the majority of [...]

Nightingale’s roses in ActionScript 3

I’ve long been a sucker for the polar area/coxcomb/rose charts popularized by Florence Nightingale. These multivariate charts can show ordered or unordered categorical data. As noted in an Economist piece on influential information graphics,
As with today’s pie charts, the area of each wedge is proportional to the figure it stands for, but it [...]