a JavaScript library for thematic mapping in OpenLayers
At last October’s NACIS Practical Cartography Day I gave a very sweaty presentation that was later described as bewildering and incoherent. I had always meant to partially redeem myself by packaging and cleaning up the code that formed the basis of that talk. And here it is!
OL-Symbology is [...]
Also tagged cartogram, choropleth, classification, dot density, geojson, isolines, javascript, library, NACIS, noncontiguous cartogram, openlayers, projections, proportional symbol, symbology, thematic mapping
I’m happy to be doing less Flash and more JavaScript development these days. In particular, I’ve been investigating two open-source JavaScript web mapping platforms: one old, OpenLayers, and one new, Polymaps.
OpenLayers has been around a while, but still performs remarkably well as a slippy map framework while allowing easy thematic map customization. Polymaps is [...]
Also tagged area, cartograms, geocommons, geojson, geometry, javascript, kml, maths, noncontiguous cartograms, openlayers, polymaps, stamen, svg, symbology, thematic mapping
Part 1: Loading, projecting, and drawing geodata
I’m getting into more canvas and JavaScript for interactive mapping. Much of the Flash/ActionScript work I’ve written or come to rely upon is directly portable to JS/canvas. What’s missing is a sweet RIA framework and IDE for the kind of development Flash and Flex have made possible [...]
Also tagged canvas, flash, howto, html5, javascript, jquery, kml, mapping, proj4, projections, w3c, web standards