a JavaScript library for thematic mapping in OpenLayers
At last October’s NACIS Practical Cartography Day I gave a very sweaty presentation that was later described as bewildering and incoherent. I had always meant to partially redeem myself by packaging and cleaning up the code that formed the basis of that talk. And here it is!
OL-Symbology is [...]
Also tagged cartogram, choropleth, classification, code, dot density, geojson, isolines, library, NACIS, noncontiguous cartogram, openlayers, projections, proportional symbol, symbology, thematic mapping
Binning is a general term for grouping a dataset of N values into less than N discrete groups. These groups/bins may be spatial, temporal, or otherwise attribute-based. In this post I’m only talking about spatial (long-lat) and 2-dimensional attribute-based (scatterplot) bins. Such binnings may be thought of as 2D histograms. This [...]
Also tagged 2d histogram, aggregation, binning, bivariate, charting, d3.js, data binning, geometry, hexagon, hexbin, histogram, html5, maths, multivariate, plotting, polymaps, R, scatterplot, shape, statistics, svg, symbology
The great Buckminster Fuller created a series of Dymaxion maps utilizing various forms of his patented Fuller projection in the 1940s and 50s. The most well-known, icosahedral form of the projection (above) was devised in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1954. Fuller intended the projection to better balance shape and areal distortion, while also [...]