a JavaScript library for thematic mapping in OpenLayers
At last October’s NACIS Practical Cartography Day I gave a very sweaty presentation that was later described as bewildering and incoherent. I had always meant to partially redeem myself by packaging and cleaning up the code that formed the basis of that talk. And here it is!
OL-Symbology is [...]
Also tagged cartogram, choropleth, classification, code, dot density, geojson, isolines, javascript, library, NACIS, noncontiguous cartogram, openlayers, proportional symbol, symbology, thematic mapping
The great Buckminster Fuller created a series of Dymaxion maps utilizing various forms of his patented Fuller projection in the 1940s and 50s. The most well-known, icosahedral form of the projection (above) was devised in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1954. Fuller intended the projection to better balance shape and areal distortion, while also [...]
Part 1: Loading, projecting, and drawing geodata
I’m getting into more canvas and JavaScript for interactive mapping. Much of the Flash/ActionScript work I’ve written or come to rely upon is directly portable to JS/canvas. What’s missing is a sweet RIA framework and IDE for the kind of development Flash and Flex have made possible [...]
Also tagged canvas, code, flash, howto, html5, javascript, jquery, kml, mapping, proj4, w3c, web standards